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About Us

Delta Sigma Pi

Delta Sigma Pi is a professional business fraternity that was founded on November 7, 1907, at New York University. It is one of the largest and most prestigious business fraternities in the United States. Delta Sigma Pi aims to promote professional development, foster ethical conduct, and provide networking opportunities for its members. The fraternity is open to all students pursuing business-related fields. Delta Sigma Pi offers a range of programs, events, and resources to help members enhance their business skills, build professional networks, and develop leadership abilities. The fraternity has chapters across the United States and provides a supportive community for students interested in business.

Upsilon Phi

The Upsilon Phi Chapter of Delta Sigma Pi was founded in 2016 at Eckerd College, located in St. Petersburg, Fl. We are a group of bright and dedicated business students, taking pride in not only our involvement within the fraternity but also the campus community. Many of our members are active participants and leaders in various extracurricular organizations here on campus. Our interests go far beyond business, with the advancement of fellow students, community, and academics at our core.

Executive Committee


Olivia Limburg

Vice President-Community Service


Jake Haven

Chapter Fundraising Chair


Fernando Fernandez

Vice President-Pledge Education


Within the Upsilon Phi chapter of Delta Sigma Pi we embrace and prioritize Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. We strive to foster an environment where every member feels valued, respected, and empowered to contribute their unique perspectives and experiences. We recognize that diversity brings different ideas, insights, and strengths to our chapter, which ultimately enriches our fraternity, the community, and prepares our members for success in the interconnected business world. It is important to our chapter that all members feel welcomed and supported. With these principles held at the core of our chapter, we foster an inclusive environment with empathy at its core.

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